The Process of Professionals Writing and Publishing Their Books.

Embrace the Moment to Write Your Book.

Book Writing Space Professional

Book Writing Space Professional is an interview-based book writing and publishing service package (similar to ghostwriting).

It is tailored for entrepreneurs, consultants, and executives aiming to write and publish a polished book in their own words and voice, without the inclination or availability to type it themselves.

for 10 months, $48,000 total

What’s Included in Book Writing Space Pro?

Book Writing Space includes all the tools necessary to validate, develop, write, edit, design, publish, and distribute your book idea.

  • Validation precedes Book Writing Space commencement
  • Structuring and positioning assistance for the optimal book outcome
  • In-depth interviews to materialize your ideas into a book, reflecting your words and voice
  • Visually appealing cover and interior layout design
  • Coordination of all publishing particulars (ISBN, bio, description, etc.)
  • Inclusion of hardcover, paperback, and eBook formats
  • You maintain full rights and ownership of the book
  • Comprehensive printing services, enabling unlimited copies at production cost (including an initial 100-copy gift from Book Writing Space)
  • Extensive distribution through major online retailers (Amazon,, iBooks)
  • You retain 100% of royalties
  • Focused Amazon Bestseller Strategy
  • Complete strategy and templates for securing early Amazon reviews
  • A complete set of social media posts and graphics for the launch week
  • Exclusive access to the Book Writing Space podcast masterclass & deliverables in a podcast starter kit
  • Email strategy and templates to leverage your network

Add-Ons (Optional)

Audiobook Creation - $6,000

Book Writing Space facilitates the production and distribution of an audiobook version of your book. A professional voice actor will record the audiobook at a dedicated studio. The final product will be available for purchase on popular platforms like,, iTunes, and Spotify.

Author Impact Campaign — $18,000

Collaborate with Book Writing Space to develop a comprehensive campaign for your book. This campaign includes publishing content, generating media attention, securing podcast interviews, managing advertisements, and organizing all the necessary details to ensure your book reaches your intended audience. Establish yourself as an authority in your field through strategic positioning. Full details are available upon request.

The Book Writing Space Process

A 9-month proven, proprietary method to bring forth the finest book from within you, featuring your ideas, words, and voice solely, ensuring you stay on schedule.


Book Writing Space Consultation

Prior to commencing your book, it is crucial to confirm the presence of a book within you and assess if our approach is suitable for you.

You will engage in a conversation with an Author Strategist who will assist you in achieving clarity on three aspects:

  • Your book concept
  • The target audience you intend to reach (and how your book will serve them)
  • The objectives you aim to accomplish through your book (such as generating revenue or enhancing your brand)

Please note that this consultation is not intended for sales purposes. Its purpose is to determine whether you possess the potential to write a book and if our company is the right fit to support you in this endeavor.

Our process may not be suitable for everyone. If we determine that our services are not a good match for your requirements, we will gladly refer you to a service or company that can better meet your needs.


Assemble your Publishing Team

To initiate the process, you will be introduced to your Publishing Manager, who will serve as your primary contact and assemble your creative team.

The primary responsibility of your Publishing Manager is to ensure the quality of your book and adhere to the designated timeline.

During the introductory call, they will familiarize themselves with your book idea and collect sufficient information to match you with a Book Writer (comparable to an editor).

Our Book Writers possess extensive experience in book writing, ranging from former Executive Editors at renowned publishing houses to Emmy Award-winning writers, esteemed political speechwriters, Editors-in-Chief of national magazines, and bestselling authors. We even have a Book Writer who has been honored with a Pulitzer Prize.

When pairing Book Writers with authors, we consider two key factors:

QAre they enthusiastic about collaborating with you on this book?
Can they contribute any valuable insights or expertise to enhance your book?

For a more detailed explanation, please refer to our FAQs. FAQs.


North Star

During your initial call with your Book Writer, they will begin developing the "North Star" of your book.

This process will resemble the Book Writing Space Consultation, but it will delve much deeper and accomplish the following:

  • Clearly articulate the essence of your book
  • Precisely define your target audience
  • Understand how your book will cater to the audience's needs and why they will find it valuable
  • Specifically, outline how you can leverage the book for your benefit


Once your book is well-defined through the North Star framework, your Book Writer will create a Table of Contents and a Book "Roadmap." This Roadmap will serve as a guide for your interviews, helping you refine your ideas, strengthen your thoughts, and lay a solid foundation for your book.

During the Roadmap-building process, expect to encounter questions such as:

Q. What knowledge does your audience need to grasp?
Q.Are there specific steps to help them comprehend the subject matter? If so, what are they?
Q. Which stories and examples can you provide to support your key points?



The interview phase forms the substantive core of your book, enabling the extraction of content, stories, and knowledge from your mind and recording them.

These interviews are precise as they sound: your Book Writer will spend 90 to 120 minutes conversing with you over the phone, covering different sections of your book. Typically, this occurs over a span of 4 to 6 calls, with each call discussing 1 to 2 chapters.

Note: Written transcripts of these calls will be provided from the outset. These Preview Pages allow us to progressively refine the book's voice and tone early on, ensuring that the final manuscript aligns precisely with your desired style.


First Pages

Your Book Writing Space works from the transcripts to translate your spoken language into a beautifully written manuscript that will resonate with your audience.

In addition to the Preview Pages mentioned above, they’ll write a single chapter and go over it with you to ensure they're capturing the right voice. Once you and your Book Writing Space work through and agree on this chapter's voice, they will complete the rest of your manuscript


Manuscript Revisions

From there, you will conduct one full round of revisions on the entire manuscript. This typically involves reading a few chapters at a time, making notes, and having a series of calls with your Book Writing Space to discuss your revisions.


Book Design

The same team that has created covers for 21 NYT & WSJ bestsellers designs your book inside and out.

It starts with you sharing your vision for your book. Our team will align your creative ideas with your book content to create a design brief.

We will develop several different design options and present them to you. The final decision on all design aspects rests with you.

We will also design a professional interior for your book to ensure it looks and feels exactly how you desire.


Publishing & Distribution

Your Publishing Manager will collaborate with you to determine your distribution goals and retail channels. If you aim for the broadest distribution possible—Amazon,, and numerous international platforms—we'll provide you with the best options. We will handle all account and file creation and ensure your book is prepared for launch.


Launch and Promotion

As the book's release approaches, we'll prepare by designing social media graphics for you to share, drafting emails to send to your contacts, and granting exclusive access to the Book Writing Space podcast masterclass & deliverables in a podcast starter kit.

When the book is launched, we'll run a pricing campaign on Amazon to stimulate initial sales. During this period, we'll coordinate a review campaign to secure early reviews for the book. We'll also initiate an email campaign to reach your contacts, release your book through email lists we have relationships with, promote your book on social media and social news sites, and publish & promote an excerpt from the book.

The aim of this first week is to establish a baseline of reviews, readers, and media attention to build upon, along with the guidance in your marketing plan, as you embark on your journey as a published author.

Who Should Use Book Writing Space Pro

  • Non-fiction authors
  • Authors of business or personal development books, or books that combine both genres
  • Authors whose books aim to impart knowledge and have an impact on readers
  • Authors who lack the time to write their own book
  • Authors who dislike the process of writing
  • Authors seeking to write novels or fictional books
  • Individuals without a clear purpose for writing a book
  • Authors who do not prioritize the quality of their book
  • Authors who prefer to handle the writing process themselves

Frequently Asked Questions

If I do Professional, am I the author of the book? Is it in my voice?

In the Book Writing Space, you're the exclusive author, presenting your own voice. You contribute all the ideas, knowledge, and content to the book, and through the Guided Author Program, you actively write it as well. Our role is solely to assist you with aspects of book writing where you may lack expertise, such as positioning and structuring. This is achievable since the book is meticulously crafted solely from interviews with you, ensuring that no other voice could be attributed to it but yours.

What makes Professional different from ghostwriting?

Hiring a ghostwriter means your book won't reflect your ideas or words. With Book Writing Space, your book is solely your ideas, your words, and your voice.

Ghostwriters start with your concept, using their own words, tone, and voice to create a book that won't sound like it came from you. Essentially, they write the book and you pay to put your name on it. It's not truly yours.

With Book Writing Space, your book is entirely authored by you. The ideas, words, and content are exclusively yours, in your voice. We assist in translating your ideas into a professional book, but you retain full authorship.

The differences are:

  1. Ghostwriters provide a manuscript and nothing more, while we handle full publishing and distribution. Ghostwriters are much more expensive than our process (often $100k+). If you lack knowledge on a subject, hiring a ghostwriter can help them research and create a coherent book with your name on it.
  2. The best part of Book Writing Space is collaborating with top editing and ghostwriting talent worldwide through our systematic process. Many of our professionals are former ghostwriters who prefer working with us due to the advantages we offer: finding good clients, negotiating terms, ensuring payment, and defining the scope of work.

Our process benefits authors and freelancers, providing clear expectations, a defined workflow, and trusted oversight by Book Writing Space. Our freelancer pool includes Pulitzer Prize winners, Emmy Award winners, bestselling authors, and renowned ghostwriters.

This creates a three-way relationship where everyone wins: you publish an excellent book, freelancers receive fair payment for enjoyable work, and we coordinate the exchange for a profit.

We have a longer piece comparing ghostwriting and the Book Writing Space process.

This creates a three-way relationship where everyone wins: you publish a great book, the freelancer gets paid well for work they enjoy, and we make a profit by coordinating the whole exchange.

We wrote a much longer piece on the differences between ghostwriting and the Scribe process. You can it read here.

How do you select my Copyist? Can I choose them?

No, authors do not choose their own copyists. That is why you are paying us—to do that.

To start, we thoroughly screen and evaluate all our writers. It’s easier to get into Harvard (6% acceptance rate) than it is to work with us as a writer (<1% acceptance rate). Not only that, but our writers have spent at least a decade (usually longer) in writing and publishing, and many of them are highly accomplished—Pulitzer Prize winners, Emmy nominees and winners, and National Magazine Award winners. < p>

To assign writers, we have an internal “ask system” that we use to pair up the right writer and author. Here’s how it works:

We familiarize ourselves with you, your book, and your work process. Then we create a “Project Scope” for your book and make it accessible to all 100+ writers. They will read it, and the ones who are interested in working on your book request to be assigned.

They answer two questions: 1. Why are you excited to work on this book, and 2. What do you bring to the book that might help the author?

We then select the one we believe will be the best match—95% of the time, this process works wonderfully.

However, in rare cases, the author and writer are not compatible. If, after collaborating, they feel uncomfortable or unwilling to proceed with the project, we are happy to find a replacement writer.

Can I use my own writing?

Yes and no. Many authors approach us with substantial written material. Regardless of their content, we always initiate our process from the beginning, focusing on positioning and structuring. Once the structure is finalized, we can evaluate if any of your existing writing aligns with the book. If so, we gladly incorporate it. Our approach stems from the realization that starting anew allows authors to prioritize their book's objectives, target audience, and what they can offer that audience (referred to as positioning). Frequently, this clarity reveals that their existing writing doesn't precisely align with their desired end result. We avoid the influence of pre-existing material to ensure unbiased decisions and prevent them from going off track.

What if I don’t like my book?

Authors often find themselves dissatisfied with their initial draft—this sentiment is nearly universal in the book writing process.

To address this, we implement multiple rounds of revisions and corrections, ensuring that you won't encounter your book at any stage and be caught off guard. Our deliberate approach includes continuous iterations, feedback, and adjustments.

The vast majority of our Authors are content with their book by the time it reaches the final revision stage.

However, if, even after all the edits and modifications, you still don't appreciate your book, it's a possibility. We cannot guarantee complete satisfaction, as the book reflects your ideas, words, and voice.

Nevertheless, we will go above and beyond to deliver the book you desire. Whether it entails assigning multiple editors or conducting numerous editing passes, our objective remains the same: to extract the best possible book from you. We are committed to doing anything reasonable to achieve that outcome.

Who designs the book covers? Do I get to give feedback on that?

The Book Writing Space offers top-notch designers to create your book cover and manuscript layout while granting you complete creative authority.

Our Creative Director, along with our team of experienced book cover designers, has contributed to numerous New York Times Best Sellers. Collectively, they have collaborated on over 100 bestselling titles, selling millions of copies. We ensure you receive the finest design expertise, as an exceptional book cover plays a vital role in establishing your book's credibility and professionalism.

Prior to commencing the design phase, you will engage in an extensive discussion with the Creative Director to comprehend your vision for the cover, if any. This information is then organized into a design brief, serving as the foundation for developing a set of initial cover designs. You will have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on these designs. As with every step of our process, you retain full and absolute approval of your cover design.

How long will my book be?

The book's length depends on the author and their chosen topic. At Book Writing Space, we don't adhere to a fixed length, but typically authors end up with around 150 pages. Our extensive research has shown that this is the optimal length for non-fiction books, benefiting both authors and readers. It's a non-intimidating length that increases the likelihood of purchase and actual reading. Moreover, it suits most authors well, as the book remains substantive without being repetitive or padded. We believe that books should be concise while effectively conveying their message.

Who will I be working with in the process?

Your publishing team, headed by your Publishing Manager, will serve as your primary contact to ensure the creation of an outstanding book.

The majority of the writing tasks will be handled by your Scribe, a skilled writer and editor with over a decade of experience in the book industry.

For the conceptualization of your book cover, you will collaborate with our Creative Director, who possesses expertise in crafting numerous bestselling book covers. The design will be executed by either the Creative Director or a member of their team, and you can provide feedback and request revisions from our Art Director.

To guarantee that your book reaches its target audience and accomplishes your objectives as a newly published Author, our book launch and PR team will spearhead your marketing endeavors.

It’s time to write your book.
We can help.

If you're determined to write and publish your book this year, it's time to utilize Book Writing Space.

We are here to assist you. Let's have a conversation where we can delve into your book idea, assess its feasibility, and provide guidance on the optimal next actions.

for 10 months, $48,000 total

Book Writing Space Services


Book Writing Space Publishing You write, we proof and publish.

$4,000/m For 6 Months

$24,000 Total

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Guided Author

We guide your writing and handle the publishing.

$2,000/m For 12 Months

$24,000 Total

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Elite Ghostwriting

Get a bestselling Book Writing Space and tailored process.

Custom Custom Payment Plan

Plan Minimum Investment: $135k

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