Book Writing Space

Author Impact

Master the Art of Launching Your Book.

Book Writing Space Author Impact

You've labored for months (or years) crafting the ideal book. Now, the enjoyable phase begins.

Our Book Writing Space pros will aid in constructing and implementing the marketing strategy your book deserves. Thus, you can spread your message, create an impact, and establish credibility as an author.

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What’s Included in the Author Impact Service?

Book Writing Space (BWS) offers the Author Impact Service, encompassing various essential components to ensure the success of your book.

Media Coverage
  • Comprehensive book review leading to the creation of a Key Ideas Doc and Custom Media Kit.
  • Pre-launch media pitching to generate early momentum and open doors.
  • Utilization of our extensive network of 3k+ media relationships to secure opportunities for your book.
  • Implementation of the Footprint Technique, a meticulous process to identify high-value outlets for maximum exposure.
  • Access to your own Personal CRM in Airtable, enabling you to track the status of all media conversations.
Amazon Bestseller Promotion
  • Extensive research and selection of Amazon categories to optimize your chances of achieving bestseller status.
  • Management of a strategic $0.99 price promotion to stimulate early sales and garner reviews.
  • Creation of custom email copy to drive sales within your personal network.
  • Set up and management of an efficient email service provider for contacting your contacts.
  • Development of compelling social media visuals and copy for promoting your book during launch week.
  • Exclusive access to the podcast masterclass and accompanying podcast starter kit.
  • Promotion of your book to our Insider's List, a community that receives free books and provides Amazon reviews.
Network Playbook
  • Tailored strategy to leverage your network effectively, driving sales, reviews, and broader support.
  • Provision of customized email scripts for outreach to yield favorable outcomes.
  • Coordination of galley giveaways (advanced reader copies) to your most valuable connections.
Content Publication
  • Extraction and editing of fifteen articles from your book manuscript.
  • Weekly publication of articles on your LinkedIn profile, actively engaging your network.
  • Submission of articles to major media outlets for potential inclusion as op-eds.
  • Creation and publication of quote images and other visual graphics on your LinkedIn profile.
Paid Promotions
  • Thorough research and setup of Amazon ads for optimal performance.
  • Continuous monitoring and optimization of Amazon ads to ensure a positive return on investment (ROI).
  • Setup of a Goodreads account and coordination of Goodreads Giveaway promotion.
  • Submission and coordination with BookBub and other paid promotion newsletters for discounted books.
Long Term Roadmap
  • In-depth analysis of your Author's Impact results to establish a comprehensive long-term plan.
  • Option to work with us for ongoing support and guidance on executing the plan, or for us to provide guidance to your team.
  • Full handover of all assets, including successful pitches and media conversations, enabling your team to sustain results.
  • Transfer of Amazon ads for continued generation of a positive ROI.

Who Should Use Book Writing Space Author Impact?

  • Authors publishing non-fiction books
  • Authors prioritize maximum message reach
  • Authors seeking a comprehensive reader outreach strategy
  • Authors desiring professional collaboration and willing to invest in expertise
  • Authors committed to ensuring book success
  • Authors publishing fiction books (or not publishing at all!)
  • Authors write books solely for credibility, not to share their message
  • Authors unwilling to dedicate time to interviews and launch-related tasks
  • Authors prefer a DIY approach.


Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect for my book launch?

Results can vary for each person, as they have different interpretations of success. For instance, we had a niche book on marketing for lawyers in 2018. It sold only a few hundred copies during the launch, but the author, who ran a large legal marketing company, attributes over $2mm directly to the Book Writing Space's launch process. On the other hand, some authors prioritize reach and book sales. Typically, working together over time leads to at least 1 media hit per week. Our aim is for authors to sell 1,000 copies in the first year, usually achieving 500+ sales during our collaboration.

Should I focus on pre-sales?

No! Many authors obsess over pre-sales, often due to observing others. However, pre-sales make sense only for those aiming for the NYT Bestseller list or seeking to impress their publisher. For long-term book success, it's better to concentrate on post-launch activities. When was the last time you pre-ordered a book? It's unlikely that it happened recently or at all. Instead of making an "ask" before launch and losing potential readers, we prefer generating excitement and saving the "ask" for after launch when readers are more likely to take action.

How can I get on the NYT bestseller list?

We don't prioritize major bestseller lists since they have become an overpriced games. Our focus is on marketing strategies that sell books and increase influence, rather than solely chasing the credentials of a bestseller list without substantial impact.

How do you select categories?

Categories play a crucial role in achieving Amazon's bestseller status. If you outsell everyone in your category over a 1-2 day period, you become the number one book in that category. To ensure success, we thoroughly research relevant categories around your topic during the week before launch. We choose prominent categories where you have a chance of ranking highly without competing against well-established authors like Malcolm Gladwell. By adding you to these categories in advance, we maximize your chances of becoming a bestseller during launch week.

Is the $0.99 price promotion necessary?

You are not obliged to do anything you don't want to. However, consider this: long-term book success relies on word of mouth. Therefore, our early book marketing goal is to have as many people as possible read your book to generate future discussions. The $0.99 promotion is powerful because it convinces people who may have been on the fence or planning to read later to make an immediate purchase. This strategy ensures more early readers and maximizes your chances of becoming a bestseller. We recommend this approach for most authors unless they prioritize book sale revenue and already have a large audience to earn from. Otherwise, the $0.99 discount is a no-brainer for supporting the book's long-term success.

How much time should I dedicate to this?

The time required varies for each author, as our advice is flexible and adaptable. We mainly focus on leveraging your relationships and motivating them to take action in promoting your book. Some authors dedicate all their time to this leading up to the launch, while others do not engage in this aspect at all. As a general estimate, for a typical author, you can expect to spend approximately:

  • 60-90 minutes per week leading up to the launch
  • 60-90 minutes per day during the launch week
  • 30-60 minutes per week after the launch
What is the expected media coverage during the book launch for Book Writing Space?

We cannot guarantee a specific amount of media coverage since it is beyond our control. However, based on our extensive work with numerous authors, we are confident in securing a minimum of twelve media placements throughout the book launch, often surpassing this number.

These media hits typically include prominent Tier 1 outlets such as Inc, Entrepreneur, and Forbes, respected book reviewers like Kirkus or Publishers' Weekly, book summary sites such as Blinkist and, industry publications like, as well as relevant podcasts that cater directly to your target audience.

Can Book Writing Space helps me achieve bestseller status? How does it work?

We do not engage in campaigns to push books onto major bestseller lists. Securing a spot on media bestseller lists like the Wall Street Journal or New York Times requires significant effort and often does not align with the actual success of your book. Each list has its own set of rules, which we have detailed here. In essence, these lists measure total sales over a one-week period and have specific regulations that people attempt to manipulate.

Authors often focus on meeting the criteria of these lists by accumulating presales through independent bookstores or incentivizing their audience with bonuses to purchase the book.

In our experience, instead of investing energy in gaming the system to meet bestseller list requirements, authors are better off concentrating on connecting with genuine readers who have a sincere interest in their book. This approach requires long-term dedication and should not be confined to a single week.

For more comprehensive insights into how bestseller lists operate and why it is advisable to avoid them, we recommend reading our detailed article on the topic.

How can Book Writing Space help my book succeed?

Many authors struggle to reach readers despite writing amazing books. If you're committed to making an impact with your book, book a consult call with Book Writing Space. We'll talk about your goals, create a success plan, and assess if we're the right fit to assist you. .

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