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Book Writing Space Elite
Contemporary Ghostwriting

Book Writing Space is the ultimate professional
ghostwriting experience.

How can one's life transform into a lasting legacy

Life comprises a series of moments, unique vignettes that shape an individual's story. Only by documenting and sharing that story can those extraordinary moments transcend into a legacy.

A timelesstreasure

Your book is the ultimate gift and your greatest achievement. It is a pristine compilation of your knowledge. Within the pages, amidst the words, lies the most valuable resource imaginable—your wisdom.

A remarkable journey

The Book Writing Space eliminates the constraints of time, allowing you to effortlessly unleash the story you desire to share. The process is no longer a barrier standing in your way. You become an integral part of an extraordinary journey crafted to transform your voice into words on the page and present your book to the ideal readership.


The weight is more substantial than anticipated. The artistry, the excellence, the gravity of your words—your lasting imprint. The exceptional level of detail that your story merits. Your book yearns to be evaluated by its exterior.


The significance of your message has always been undeniable. You've known what you wished to convey but required a process that seamlessly blended with your life. Now, there are no boundaries to your voice or the individuals it can reach.


Things are about to become intriguing. The pages of your book comprise an endless array of messages and inspiration. A business card is no longer necessary, but you may require an expanded network.

“The problems of the human heart in conflict with itself… alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.”

― William Faulkner

A cover that calls for evaluation

It's a captivating opening to your narrative—a splendid design distinct to the insights contained within. A meticulously fashioned gem and an enticement to an exceptionally remarkable experience.

Your ticket to success

Your book is a valuable resource that accompanies you wherever you venture. It serves as a publicist, a journalist, and a master key that unlocks any room you previously felt excluded from. You can forego your business cards now because they are no longer necessary.

Words move swiftly

With "Book Writing Space," you possess the ultimate business tool—an asset that precedes you and sets the table no matter where you go. Your voice and vision are available 24/7 to anyone who needs your message.

All attention is focused on you.

Your peers are eager to hear your insights. The internet is abuzz with mentions and quotes about you. Your Book served as the red carpet, and now you've truly made your mark. What remarkable steps will you take next?

"You’re never going to kill storytelling, because it’s built in the human plan. We come with it.”

Margaret Atwood


White glove from start to finish

Committing To Your Legacy

The challenging part is behind you. Every step you've taken has brought you to this moment. All the difficult choices and sacrifices have paved the way. Now comes the simple part. Sit back and let Book Writing Space craft your book.

Galvanize Your Message

The most powerful stories are forged in times of immense pressure, and yours is no exception. Step away from the intense heat and feel the burden lifted from your shoulders. Finally, your wisdom will reach those who need it the most.



The ultimate professional ghostwriting experience

As a Book Writing Space Elite Author, you become part of an innovative and exceptional professional publishing journey. Our renowned team of ghostwriters and creative professionals shape your story into a remarkable book, allowing you to focus on what you truly enjoy. We handle the writing, editing, publishing, and marketing of your book on your behalf. Sit back, relax, and relish in all the advantages of your preferred spot—be it your office, boardroom, or even the beach.

Are you prepared to embark on your Book Writing Space experience?

Our Author Strategists act as your personal guides throughout this unique opportunity.
Schedule your call today and let's commence the journey.


What makes Elite Ghostwriting different from other ghostwriting services?

Unlike other ghostwriting services, with Book Writing Space, your book is entirely your ideas and your words, in your own voice.

Other ghostwriters begin with your book concept and a few of your ideas, then craft a book using their own words, tone, and voice. The end result won't sound like it originated from you because, in essence, a ghostwriter writes the book, and you pay them to put your name on it. It's not truly your book.

With Book Writing Space, you are the author. The ideas, words, and content belong entirely to you and are expressed in your own voice. We include nothing in your book that didn't originate from your own mind and mouth. We like to say that we assist you in translating your ideas into a polished, professional book, but all the significant aspects of authorship are yours, making you the sole author.

The two other distinctions are as follows:

Ghostwriters provide you with a manuscript and nothing more. We handle everything, including full publishing and distribution.

A competent ghostwriter typically charges much higher fees than our process (usually around $100k+).

If you're not well-versed in your subject matter, then hiring a ghostwriter may be necessary. This allows the ghostwriter to conduct research and write a coherent book, while you get to have your name associated with it.

The most exciting aspect of the Book Writing Space process is that you get to collaborate with some of the world's most talented editors and ghostwriters, all within our structured and defined process. Our ghostwriters enjoy working with us (and our authors) because they can avoid many of the challenges that freelancers face, such as finding reliable clients, negotiating terms, collecting payment, and defining the scope of work, among others.

Our systematic process benefits both authors and freelancers since it establishes clear expectations and deliverables, defines workflows, and ensures the presence of a trusted third party—Book Writing Space—to oversee everything and ensure its success. Our roster of freelancers includes Pulitzer Prize winners, Emmy Award winners, bestselling authors, and highly sought-after ghostwriters, among others.

This creates a mutually beneficial three-way relationship where everyone wins: you publish a remarkable book, the freelancer receives fair compensation for work they enjoy, and we generate profit by coordinating the entire exchange.

We have written a more extensive piece detailing the differences between traditional ghostwriting and the Book Writing Space process. You can read it here..

If I do Book Writing Space Elite Ghostwriting, am I the author of the book? Is it in my voice?

YYes, you are the sole author of your book, and it reflects your voice entirely. You are solely responsible for providing the ideas, knowledge, and content for the book. With the Book Writing Space program, you also actively participate in the writing process. Guided Author Program, you actually write it out as well. Our role is to assist you with aspects of book writing in which you may lack expertise, such as positioning and structuring..

We can offer this support because the book is exclusively developed through interviews conducted with you. There is no other voice present in the book except yours.

How do you select my Ghostwriter? Can I choose them?

In the "Book Writing Space," authors do not have the liberty to choose their own ghostwriters. That's where our service comes in - you pay us to handle that crucial task.

To start with, we meticulously vet and evaluate all our ghostwriters. Our acceptance rate is even lower than that of Harvard, standing at less than 1%. Each of our ghostwriters has dedicated at least a decade, often more, to the craft of writing and publishing. Many of them boast impressive accolades, such as Pulitzer Prize winners, Emmy nominees and winners, and National Magazine Award winners.

Our internal "ask system" facilitates the perfect pairing between the right ghostwriter and you, the author. Here's how it works:

We take the time to understand you, your book, and your work process. Then, we create a "Project Scope" for your book and share it with all our ghostwriters. They read it and those who are interested in working on your book request to be assigned.

In their requests, they address two important questions: 1. Why are they excited to work on your book? 2. What unique contributions can they bring to enhance your book?

Using this method, we select the ghostwriter we believe will be the best match for your project. This process yields successful results 95% of the time.

However, in rare instances, the author and ghostwriter may not harmonize well. If, after working together, they feel uncomfortable or unwilling to proceed with the project, we are more than happy to find a suitable replacement ghostwriter.

Can writing a book help boost my career?

Certainly. We've witnessed numerous authors experiencing increased paid speaking engagements, expanded client base, and enhanced revenue as their Book elevates their stature and credibility within their respective industries.

How do I use my book to increase my authority and credibility?

Book, by its very nature, allows authors to ascend to a level of credibility that surpasses their starting point. This piece explores the overall impact, and within our vast collection of authors, we have numerous instances showcasing this phenomenon:

John Ruhlin leveraged his book to establish his professional brand, position himself as a sought-after speaker, and achieve a twofold increase in his firm's revenue.

Deb Gabor utilized her book to cultivate her own brand and secure engagements with Fortune 50 companies.

Cliff Lerner, a highly successful entrepreneur previously unknown to many, catapulted into the spotlight through his book, gaining recognition on multiple boards and becoming a prominent investor.

These examples merely scratch the surface of the countless success stories found within the Book Writing Space.

Who will I be working within the process?

In your Book, your Author Success Manager will lead your publishing team, serving as your primary point of contact and responsible for ensuring the success of your book.

The majority of the writing will be done by your Ghostwriter, a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in the realm of books, serving as both a writer and editor.

For conceptualizing your book cover, the expertise of our Creative Director will come into play. Having crafted numerous bestselling book covers, they will take the lead in the creative process, while valuing and incorporating your feedback to guide revisions.

To ensure your book reaches its target audience and accomplishes your goals as a newly published Author, our book launch and PR team will spearhead your marketing efforts.