How can we assist you?

Book Writing Space aids entrepreneurs and business professionals in the process of writing, publishing, and marketing their non-fiction books.

Our comprehensive range of services includes publishing, editing, book coaching, Book Writing Space (what we call ghostwriting), as well as book and author marketing. We address all the frequently asked questions related to these services in the following FAQs.

About Book Writing Space

What exactly does Book Writing Space do?

Book Writing Space assists individuals in the process of writing, publishing, and marketing their books. It was established in 2014 by a 4x New York Times Bestselling Author and has since collaborated on over 2,000 books, including several major bestsellers during that period (which you can view on our website).

Our two most sought-after services are Guided Author, priced at $24k, and Book Writing Space Professional, priced at $48k.

We also offer the option to publish your completed manuscript.

How do the $24k (Guided Author) and $48k (Book Writing Space Professional) options differ?

The primary distinction lies in the time commitment and who handles the content creation of the book.

With the $24k option, known as Guided Author, you will follow our comprehensive process, but you will be responsible for the writing and typing, guided and supported by us throughout the journey. This option begins with a three-day online workshop and usually requires about an hour of writing per day for a period of 6+ months.

On the other hand, the $48k option, referred to as Book Writing Space Professional, allows you to share your knowledge through phone conversations. We take care of all the typing and writing, ensuring that the words, ideas, and voice remain entirely yours. This option typically requires about 2 hours of phone conversation per week.

How do I decide between the $24k (Guided Author) and $48k (Book Writing Space Professional) options?

To make the decision, consider two key questions:

  1. Do you enjoy the process of sitting down to write and typing on a keyboard?
  2. Do you have sufficient time to undertake the writing process yourself?

In general, assume that Guided Author ($24k) will require about an hour of daily commitment for a year (though it can be completed faster), while Book Writing Space Professional ($48k) will necessitate approximately 2 hours of phone conversation per week for 9 months.

If your answer to both questions is affirmative – you enjoy writing and have the time – then Guided Author is likely the right choice.

If your answer to both questions is negative – you don't enjoy writing and lack the time – then Book Writing Space Professional is probably the better option.

However, if you enjoy writing (answering question #1 positively) but don't have enough time (answering question #2 negatively), you'll need to consider your priorities: whether you can make time for writing or if you value your time too much and prefer us to handle the typing for you.

I noticed that you have a $135k option (Book Writing Space Elite Ghostwriting). What does that entail?

The Book Writing Space Elite Ghostwriting option is designed for specific authors who require an authentic ghostwriting experience and a personalized process tailored to their needs. This option is not suitable for most authors. For the majority of individuals, Guided Author ($24k) or Book Writing Space Professional ($48k) would be more appropriate.

Does Book Writing Space work with everyone?

No, we cannot work with just anyone. We follow certain criteria to determine which authors we can collaborate with:

  1. Does the author possess sufficient knowledge of the subject matter to write a book about it? Our process is effective when the author genuinely understands the topic they are discussing.
  2. Does the author have a clear understanding of how books function and reasonable expectations for return on investment (ROI)? A purpose must underlie the decision to write the book.

Hence, our initial step involves a qualification process. If your desired outcome is unrealistic or unachievable, we may not be able to work with you because it sets us up for failure. Even if we produce an excellent book, if the goal was impossible from the start, you might still be dissatisfied.

Are there individuals who should not work with Book Writing Space?

Certainly, certain individuals may not be a good fit for our process. Here is a partial list of people who may not find our services suitable:

  1. Fiction writers. Our process caters exclusively to non-fiction works.
  2. Individuals lacking expertise in their chosen topic. For instance, if you desire a book on sales but have no knowledge of sales, we may not be able to assist you, and you might need to find a ghostwriter.
  3. Those unsure of how a book can benefit them.
  4. Individuals without a clear idea of why they want to write a book, its content, or the goals they aim to achieve by publishing it. Our process requires an investment of both money and effort, so having a clear purpose is crucial.
Can you work in other languages?

At present, we do not offer services in languages other than the one(s) specified on our platform.

Do you offer services for fiction books?

Currently, we do not provide services for fiction books, children's books, cookbooks, or textbooks. Our focus is on assisting authors with non-fiction works.

Book Writing Space Publishing ($24k) Questions

Do I have complete ownership of my book rights?

Absolutely. You retain full copyright and all rights for printing and reproduction. You have the freedom to utilize your book in any way you desire.

Will I receive all the profits from my book sales?

Yes, without a doubt. We do not take any portion of your book's earnings. All revenue goes directly to you, and all financial accounts are set up under your name

However, you are not obligated to use either imprint as your publisher. We can create a new publishing entity with any name of your choosing. The decision of the named publisher for your book is entirely up to you.

How do royalty payments work?

As the author, you are entitled to 100% of the royalties generated by your book.

Though we do not claim any share of your book's profits, certain costs are involved that do not go directly into your pocket. These expenses primarily include Amazon's fees and printing costs.

For eBooks, Amazon retains 30% of the royalties, while you receive the remaining 70%. For paperbacks, Amazon takes 40% of the royalties, the printer's charge for printing the book is approximately $3, and the rest of the earnings are yours. If you choose hardcover format, we will provide detailed explanations before you make any decisions.

Why don't you take royalties? Doesn't that align our incentives?

The truth is, adopting a service-based model best serves your interests rather than a royalty-based system. Under the service-based model, we are compensated for ensuring that your book aligns with your objectives, such as securing speaking engagements, finding clients, or establishing influence. This approach keeps us focused on achieving your specific goals, rather than merely concentrating on selling copies.

Is Book Writing Space considered self-publishing? Yes and no. The answer is somewhat intricate due to the idiosyncrasies of the book publishing industry.

When people inquire about self-publishing, they often mean, "Will my book appear unprofessional?" Our response is a definitive "No." You are engaging our services precisely to ensure that your book is not only completed but also presented in a professional manner.

Moreover, your book will be published by an established publishing company, making it distinct from traditional self-publishing.

However, it is essential to understand that the term "self-publishing" has evolved over time. In the past, there were only two options: traditional publishing and "vanity presses." Being "traditionally published," signifying acceptance by a New York publisher, conveyed seriousness and credibility, while other means of publishing, such as vanity presses, were perceived as less credible.

In the present landscape, the majority of books are published outside the traditional system. Vanity presses have mostly disappeared and have been replaced by various "hybrid" publishing companies. Many of these are credible and uphold professional standards.

Can you make my book available in bookstores?

Yes and no, as this matter is intricate due to the peculiarities of the publishing industry.

Yes, we ensure your book is available for order and sale in bookstores and retail outlets. All our books are listed in the Ingram database, making them orderable in any bookstore across the country.

However, we do not automatically place your book in physical bookstores. Bookstores have limited shelf space and generally prioritize established authors or books from publishers that pay for shelf space.

To attract bookstore interest, a book usually needs to sell at least 25,000 copies. But it's worth noting that being present in bookstores is not a significant factor for sales or visibility nowadays. The majority of book buyers who visit Barnes & Noble also shop on Amazon. If they don't find a book in the store, they are likely to turn to Amazon instead. Consequently, the lack of bookstore distribution does not necessarily result in a substantial loss of sales.

For most authors, having a book in a physical bookstore is more of an ego boost than a practical marketing strategy. It serves as a status symbol rather than a critical sales driver.

What is the cost of purchasing copies of my book? Can I order them at a discounted price?

We do not charge you for copies of your book. Instead, you can buy copies at the printing cost.

For print on demand paperback, Kindle Direct Publishing, and IngramSpark, the cost of printing a book is approximately $4 per copy when ordered through Amazon. You have the privilege of purchasing copies in any quantity you desire at this discounted price, directly from the printer. We do not make any profit from the sale of these copies.

If you require a larger quantity of books (1,000 or more), we will connect you with a commercial offset printer who can offer better prices for large orders. Again, we do not take any markup on these copies.

Who designs the book covers? Will I have input in the process?

Your book cover and manuscript interior layout will be crafted by world-class designers, while you maintain full creative control.

Our Creative Director has an impressive portfolio, having worked on dozens of New York Times Best Sellers, alongside other talented book cover designers we collaborate with. Their collective experience includes contributing to over 100 best-selling books that have sold millions of copies. Rest assured that you will receive top-notch design work, as a compelling book cover is crucial for establishing credibility and professionalism.

Before commencing the design process, you will have an extensive discussion with the Creative Director to understand your vision for the cover (if you have any). This information will be compiled into a design brief, which will be used to create several initial cover designs. You will have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on these designs. As with all aspects of our process, you will have complete, 100% approval authority over your book cover.

What marketing services are included in the Book Writing Space Publishing package?

The marketing efforts included in the Book Writing Space Publishing package have three primary goals:

Amazon Bestseller Campaign: We manage the logistics of a campaign aimed at maximizing early sales, garnering reviews, and boosting rankings on Amazon. These efforts lay the foundation for your book's long-term success by establishing early credibility.

Promotion to Your Connections: We support you in promoting the book to your personal network by creating social media graphics, crafting a book announcement email, providing free copies to your friends and family, and developing a strategy to gain support from influencers you know.

Comprehensive Plan: By the end of the first week after your book's release, you can expect your book to achieve Amazon bestseller status, experience a surge in early sales, accumulate a baseline of reviews, gain awareness among your network, and have a plan in place to leverage these achievements going forward.

Additionally, we offer supplementary marketing packages as add-ons, should you wish to explore further promotional opportunities.

Guided Author ($24k) Questions

What's included in the Book Writing Space's Guided Author program?

The Book Writing Space's Guided Author program offers everything you need to confidently write, publish, and market your book. You will receive comprehensive support throughout the entire process, which is detailed in full here.

Who leads the workshop?

The workshop is co-led by, our Head Book Coach, and our top editors. Together, they will guide you on your author journey and provide individual feedback on your work.

Are the workshops held virtually or in person?

Currently, the workshops are conducted in person at our office in Austin, TX. These three days spent with us are pivotal, providing you with unparalleled clarity and momentum.

Upon completing the workshop, you will have accomplished the following:

  1. Book Positioning
  2. Outline
  3. Writing Plan
  4. Editing Plan
  5. Chapter deadlines
  6. Editing deadlines
  7. Addressing any fears that arise during the process
What support do I get after the workshop?

After the workshop, you will have access to three primary avenues of support:

  1. Guided Author Community Platform: This vibrant author community group includes all former Guided Author participants and our entire senior editorial team from Book Writing Space. Any questions you have will be promptly answered, and the group offers abundant encouragement and support.
  2. Weekly Group Coaching Calls: THeld every Tuesday at 12:30 pm Eastern Time, these calls feature the presence of the Book Writing Space Senior Editorial team to assist authors with any queries they may have. The calls serve as accountability and commiseration sessions, fostering learning and camaraderie among authors.
  3. Three One-on-One Editor Consults: Throughout your book-writing journey, you can schedule up to three half-hour individual consults with an editor. These calls are designed to help you overcome any roadblocks during the writing process, enhance your outline, or receive feedback on a chapter of your work.

Rest assured, we are dedicated to supporting you in every way possible to ensure your book's success and publication.

Is editing included? How does the editing process work?

Yes, editing is included in the program. Once you've completed the rough draft of your manuscript, you will submit it to us for a comprehensive content edit. Your manuscript will be carefully reviewed by a member of our Executive Editing team, who possesses at least 15 years of experience in book editing.

Our editing approach is straightforward yet rigorous. Our primary goal is to ensure that your book is not subpar. If any areas need improvement, we will candidly point them out and provide guidance on how to rectify them. Once we determine the book is in good shape (and they usually are), our focus shifts to elevating it from good to great. We take pride in pushing you to produce the best possible book, as our reputation is tied to the quality of the books we publish alongside yours.

Is publishing included? How does the publishing process work?

Absolutely, everything necessary for publishing your book is included in the program. This encompasses interior layout, cover design, distribution, and all the essential elements. In fact, the publishing process we follow is the same one used for our Scribe Professional authors.

Do I have to take a year, or can I go faster?

While authors have the option to pay for the program over a year, the pace of your progress is entirely up to you. Some authors have submitted their manuscripts as soon as two months after the workshop, and their books were published within five months thereafter, resulting in a commendable seven-month start-to-finish timeline. The only condition is that for us to proceed with full publication, the program fees must be paid in full.

Book Writing Space Professional ($48k) Questions

If I choose the Book Writing Space Professional service, will I be considered the author of the book? Will the book reflect my own voice?

Absolutely! With Book Writing Space Professional, you are the sole author of your book, and it will be entirely in your voice. You are the one contributing all the ideas, knowledge, and content for the book. Through our Guided Author Program, you even get to write it out yourself. Our role is to assist you with the aspects of book writing where you may need expertise, such as positioning and structuring.

The unique aspect of Book Writing Space Professional is that the book is exclusively created through interviews with you—there is no other voice in it but yours.

How does Book Writing Space Professional differ from ghostwriting?

Book Writing Space Professional is fundamentally different from ghostwriting. When you hire a ghostwriter, the resulting book is not truly a representation of your ideas in your own words. With our process, your book is entirely based on your ideas and words, reflecting your unique voice.

Ghostwriters typically start with a book concept and a few ideas from you, but then they write the book using their own words, tone, and style. As a result, the book may not sound like it came from you because it largely doesn't. Essentially, a ghostwriter crafts the book, and you pay them to put your name on it, but it doesn't truly feel like your own book.

In contrast, Book Writing Space Professional ensures that you are the sole author of your book. All the ideas, words, and content are entirely yours and are expressed in your voice. Our goal is to help you translate your ideas into a polished and professional book while maintaining your authorship and authenticity.

The other key differences between our process and ghostwriting are:

  1. Book Writing Space Professional includes full publishing and distribution support, going beyond just providing a manuscript.
  2. Our process is more cost-effective compared to hiring a ghostwriter, as their services can be significantly more expensive (often around $100k+).

If you lack expertise in a particular area and need extensive research and writing support, then ghostwriting might be more suitable. However, if you want a book that truly represents you and your voice, Book Writing Space Professional is the way to go.

What is the process for selecting my Book Writing Space Professional?

In Book Writing Space Professional, authors do not choose their own writer (Scribe). As part of our service, we carefully select the right Scribe for you, ensuring the best match between the author and the writing professional.

Our Scribes go through a rigorous vetting and testing process, making it more selective than getting into Harvard University (with less than 1% acceptance rate). Many of our Scribes have over a decade of experience in writing and publishing and have impressive credentials, such as Pulitzer Prize winners, Emmy nominees, and National Magazine Award winners.

The process of matching you with a Scribe involves the following steps:

  1. We familiarize ourselves with you, your book, and your working style.
  2. Based on this understanding, we create a "Project Scope" for your book, which we share with all our 100+ Scribes.
  3. Scribes who are interested in working on your book ask to be assigned and provide answers to two questions: Why they are excited to work on your book and what they can bring to the project to help you.
  4. We then carefully select the Scribe we believe will be the best fit for your project. This process is successful about 95% of the time.

While this approach is highly effective in most cases, there are rare instances where the author and the assigned Scribe might not be a perfect fit. In such situations, we are more than happy to find a replacement Scribe to ensure the best possible collaboration.

Can I incorporate my own writing into the book?

Yes, you have the option to include your own writing in the book. Many authors who come to us already have significant amounts of written material. However, regardless of your existing writing, we start the process from the beginning and work through the positioning and structuring stages.

After we establish the book's structure, we can assess whether any of your pre-existing writing fits well and aligns with the book's objectives. If it complements the content, we will be more than happy to incorporate it into the final version of the book.

The reason we follow this approach is to prioritize your goals for the book, identify your target audience, and ensure that the content is aligned with your desired positioning. Sometimes, previously written material may not perfectly align with these goals, and we want to avoid any bias or potential distractions during the book writing process.

What if I am not satisfied with my book?

It is not uncommon for authors to feel unsatisfied with their rough drafts at some point during the writing process. However, with Book Writing Space Professional, we incorporate multiple rounds of revisions and corrections to address any concerns or issues.

Throughout the process, you will never be surprised by the final product. We have designed the process to include constant iterations, feedback, and changes to ensure that you are happy with the outcome.

We understand that, ultimately, the book reflects your ideas, words, and voice, making it challenging to guarantee 100% satisfaction. However, we are committed to doing everything possible on our end to ensure you get the book you envision. If needed, we can assign multiple editors to work on it or conduct multiple editing passes to achieve the best result. Our goal is to help you produce the best book possible, and we will make reasonable efforts to achieve that.

Who will I be working with throughout the process?

Throughout the Book Writing Space Professional process, you will be working with a dedicated publishing team led by your Publishing Manager. They will be your main point of contact, ensuring that your book's journey is smooth and successful.

The majority of the writing will be done by your assigned Scribe. These Scribes are professional writers and editors with extensive experience in the book industry.

For the book cover design and interior layout, our world-class designers, led by our Creative Director, will take care of it. You will have a detailed conversation with the Creative Director to understand your vision for the cover. Based on that, they will create initial cover designs for your review and feedback. You will have full creative control and 100% approval of your book cover.

Furthermore, your marketing efforts will be led by our book launch and PR team. They will work diligently to ensure that your book reaches the right audience and helps you achieve your goals as a newly published author.

How long will my book be?

The length of your book in the Book Writing Space Professional process depends entirely on your specific project and topic. We do not adhere to a fixed length for books, as it varies based on the content and objectives.

Through extensive research, we have found that for non-fiction books, a length of around 150 pages tends to be optimal. This length is not intimidating to readers, making them more likely to buy and read the book. Additionally, it is typically suitable for most authors as it allows for substantive content without unnecessary repetition or padding. Our belief is that books should only be as long as necessary to effectively convey their message.

In conclusion, the length of your book will be determined based on the content and your specific goals as an author.

Who handles the design of book covers? Can I provide feedback during the process?

The book cover and manuscript interior layout for your book will be crafted by our team of exceptional designers in the Book Writing Space. However, you will have complete creative control over the design.

Our Creative Director boasts an impressive portfolio, having contributed to numerous New York Times Best Sellers, along with other talented book cover designers we collaborate with. Together, they have worked on over 100 best-selling titles, which have collectively sold millions of copies. Rest assured, you'll receive top-tier design expertise, as a compelling book cover plays a vital role in establishing your book's credibility and professionalism.

Before the design process commences, you'll have an extensive discussion with the Creative Director to communicate your vision for the cover, if you have one. This valuable input will be compiled into a design brief, forming the foundation for a series of initial cover designs. You'll have the opportunity to review these designs and provide feedback. As with all aspects of our process, you will have full, 100% approval authority over your book cover.

What will be the length of my book?

The length of your book primarily depends on you as the Author and the subject matter. We don't impose a fixed length, but we've found that most authors tend to end up with approximately 150 pages.

Our extensive research indicates that this length is optimal for non-fiction books—benefitting both authors and their readers. It's not an overwhelming length, making it more likely for readers to purchase and read the book. Additionally, it aligns well with the preferences of most authors. The book is substantial, yet avoids unnecessary repetition or padding. At Book Writing Space, we believe books should only be as long as necessary to effectively convey their message.

Who will I collaborate with during the process?

Throughout the publishing journey, your dedicated publishing team, led by your Publishing Manager, will be your primary point of contact, ensuring a successful book production.

The majority of the writing and editing will be handled by your skilled Book Writing Space professional, known as your Book Writer and Editor. Their expertise, gained over at least a decade in the book industry, guarantees the quality of your content.

When it comes to conceptualizing your book cover, you'll collaborate with our experienced Creative Director, renowned for creating numerous bestselling covers. The actual design will be executed by her or one of her team members, and you'll also have the opportunity to discuss feedback and revisions with our Art Director.

To ensure your book reaches its intended audience and accomplishes your goals as a newly published Author, our book launch and PR team will spearhead your marketing efforts. Rest assured, your book will receive comprehensive support at every stage of the process.

General Book Questions

What if I'm not sure I have enough to say for a Book Writing Space?

That's precisely why you should talk to us before you start—we'll help you ensure your idea is substantial enough for a book.

Our process hinges on having enough book-worthy ideas in your mind before we begin. Therefore, the initial step in our process is to ascertain that you indeed possess the potential for a book.

Not everyone holds a book within them, and we're forthright in conveying that if applicable. Our focus is on collaborating with individuals who possess compelling book ideas that will captivate readers and bring the author a clear return on investment.

What if I have more than one book in me?

This is frequently the case with most authors—they often have more than one book within them. Those who have acquired profound expertise in a particular field often possess a wealth of knowledge that proves more intriguing to readers than they realize. For the majority of our Authors, the question is not whether they have a book in them, but rather how many, and which one should they publish first.

Our process is designed to assist you in determining which book you should prioritize and why. We commence by helping you understand the purpose behind writing a book, the results you wish to achieve, which of your ideas would make the most suitable book, and how to make it a reality.

It's essential to note that we conduct this evaluation before you officially commit to working with us. Before any financial commitments are made, we strive to ensure that both parties are an excellent fit for each other.

What if I'm not exactly sure what my book is about? Should I figure that out first before I call you?

No, you should call us first, as that is precisely what we do—we help you determine if you have a book within you and what it could be about. This evaluation is crucial, and we carry it out before any formal agreements are made.

Our Author Strategists are experts at assisting you in understanding not only what your best book idea is but also how it can benefit you. During the consultation call, we guide you in defining the positioning of your book by asking three key questions:

  1. What result do you want this book to create for you?
  2. What audience do you want to reach?
  3. What will the book say that will be intriguing and valuable to that audience?

Our process of helping you refine your book idea is elaborated in this post about selecting the perfect book topic.

What if I'm afraid to write my book?

This is a common concern voiced by authors, albeit often expressed indirectly. Many authors have an underlying fear that they might appear foolish or make themselves vulnerable through their writing. This fear is something we've encountered in every author we've worked with, without exception.

If you harbor this fear or any other apprehensions, don't hesitate to share them with us. We are adept at helping authors understand their fears and guiding them through the process. While this piece touches on some aspects of how we address these concerns, it only scratches the surface. We take our authors' fears and emotions extremely seriously, as they profoundly influence the book writing experience.

Book ROI Questions

How many books do I need to sell to recoup my investment?

The number of books required to break even depends on how you plan to recover your investment. Instead of solely relying on book sales, it is more advantageous to view your book as an investment that can lead to other lucrative opportunities.

For instance, if you are a consultant or coach and a client's value to you is $50,000, then gaining just one client can surpass the return on investment for your book.

If you own a business and your product sells for $150, you would need to sell at least 250 products through your book to cover your costs. Additionally, if your book is primarily used to promote your business, the production expenses may be tax deductible, significantly reducing the overall investment.

We strongly discourage calculating the number of books needed to break even because book sales alone are not the most accurate measure of ROI.

Professionals perceive books as versatile marketing tools, not just profit centers. This approach is especially true for non-fiction authors, consultants, and experts. For novelists and fiction writers, book sales play a more significant role in generating income. To understand how to monetize your book effectively, we have a comprehensive guide available for you to read.

How can I generate income with my book?

There are numerous ways to monetize your book, and it serves as an exceptional multi-purpose marketing tool. Your book can increase your visibility, establish your authority, attract leads to your business, secure clients, provide speaking opportunities, facilitate product sales, launch new ventures, and achieve various other objectives.

How do I utilize my book to enhance my visibility and secure media coverage?

A book can greatly boost your visibility and help you gain media coverage. This aspect is extensively covered in general, and we have numerous examples of our authors successfully achieving this.

How do I leverage my book to enhance my authority and credibility?

Books inherently elevate an author's credibility and authority to new heights. This piece generally explains the impact, and we have an abundance of examples from our authors:

John Ruhlin effectively established his professional brand, becoming a sought-after speaker and doubling his firm's revenue using his book.

Deb Gabor built her personal brand and secured projects with Fortune 50 companies by leveraging her book.

Cliff Lerner, a successful but lesser-known entrepreneur, gained significant visibility and opportunities after his book brought him into the spotlight, leading to multiple board memberships and high-profile investments.

Many other examples can be found here.

How successful have your published books been so far?

You can find a comprehensive list of books we have proudly published to date here, and the majority of them have achieved significant success.

Our authors have achieved multiple New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon bestsellers, garnered extensive media coverage, secured high-value consulting deals worth hundreds of millions, received New York Times profiles, and obtained celebrity endorsements, among many other accomplishments. You can read about all the ways our authors have succeeded here.

Regarding direct ROI, our most successful authors have achieved returns ranging from 5 to 100 times their initial investment with only a relatively small number of books sold. For instance, Melissa Gonzalez generated millions in revenue from her book while selling less than 1000 copies. More examples of authors monetizing their books can be found on our Author Success Stories page.

How do royalties work?

You own 100% of the royalties for your book.

While Book Writing Space does not take any share of the book's profits, there are some costs that do not go directly into your pocket, such as Amazon's fees and printing expenses.

For eBooks, Amazon retains 30% of your royalties, leaving you with the remaining 70%. For paperbacks, Amazon takes 40% of the royalties, the printer charges approximately $3 per book, and the rest becomes your share. If you opt for hardcover, we will provide a detailed explanation before making any decisions.

Why don't you take royalties? Doesn't that align our incentives?

No, actually, it does the opposite.

When a traditional publisher takes royalties, their focus shifts entirely to maximizing book sales, as that is their primary source of revenue.

However, this might not always be the best approach for authors. Many authors prioritize spreading their message, distributing free books, obtaining speaking engagements, or acquiring clients over solely relying on book sales for revenue. Thus, emphasizing book sales alone could hinder the book's overall success.

To align our goals with yours and to create the best possible book that helps you achieve your objectives, we follow a service-based model. Our primary objective is to produce a high-quality book that fulfills your goals effectively. We have provided a more in-depth explanation of this approach here.

Book Publishing Questions

Who is the publisher?

At Book Writing Space, we have two publishing imprints: Lioncrest Publishing and Houndstooth Publishing. Both are wholly owned imprints of Book Writing Space.

However, you are not limited to these options. We are open to creating a new publishing company exclusively for you, bearing any name of your preference. The decision of the named publisher for your book rests entirely with you.

Is Book Writing Space considered self-publishing?

Indeed, but not in the way you might traditionally think of it.

Book Writing Space embraces self-publishing in its most advantageous form: granting you complete creative control over your book, ownership of all rights, and entitlement to all royalties. Our model aligns with self-publishing principles while providing the support of traditional publishing.

When people inquire, "Is this self-published?" they often mean, "Is this an unprofessional, amateurish book created without any assistance?"

To clarify, that is not the case with us. Our extensive portfolio and collaboration with outstanding authors demonstrate that self-publishing can be exceptionally professional. When you engage our services, you can be certain that your book will exude the utmost professionalism, akin to any book in the market. Moreover, your book is published under an established publishing company, Lioncrest Publishing. Thus, the answer to whether it's self-published is, "No, it's not self-published, as I received support from a professional publishing company."

More details on this are elaborated here.

What is the difference between traditional publishing and Book Writing Space?

The difference is significant, and for you, the most crucial aspect is that with us, you retain full ownership of your book. In contrast, traditional publishing houses retain ownership of books they publish.

"Traditional publishing" refers to New York-based publishing houses that operate on a royalty-based book model. If they offer you a book contract (which is quite rare), they pay you an advance and acquire all rights and royalties to your book. While they handle the publishing and distribution, they typically offer minimal marketing support and no assistance during the writing process. Although traditional publishing used to carry substantial prestige, their focus now lies in profiting from platforms established by others, leveraging their audience for monetization.

Book Writing Space adopts a fundamentally different approach—one that almost contradicts traditional publishing. You pay for our services, and in return, you retain full rights and royalties for your book.

Additionally, we provide all the services offered by traditional publishers and much more. Not only do we assist you in writing your book, but we also developed a unique process of converting your ideas into a book through conversational interviewing. We support you in marketing your book, and if needed, we offer comprehensive platform support.

Our comprehensive article on deciding between traditional publishing and self-publishing further explains that traditional publishing is only suitable for a limited range of authors, while everyone else should consider professional self-publishing options like us.

Can you get my books into a bookstore?

Yes and no. This answer might seem complex, primarily because the publishing business is quite peculiar.

Yes, we make your book available for order and sale in bookstores and retail outlets. All our books are added to the Ingram database, enabling them to be ordered from any bookstore in the country.

However, we do not automatically place your book in bookstores. Bookstores have limited space and generally reserve it for established authors or books from traditional publishers, often obtained through payment for shelf space.

Without delving into specific details, it is reasonable to assume that your book might not be readily available in bookstores. Nevertheless, in certain cases, we may be able to facilitate its presence.

How much do you charge for copies? Will I be able to order personal copies at a discounted price?

We do not charge any additional fees for copies. You have the opportunity to purchase copies at the cost of printing. For print-on-demand paperback, Kindle Direct Publishing, and IngramSpark, the cost of printing a book is approximately $4 per copy when ordered through Amazon. You will have the privilege to buy copies in any quantity you desire at this discounted price, directly from the printer. We do not profit from the sale of copies.

For larger quantities (1,000 or more), we collaborate with a commercial offset printer to accommodate your request. They can offer more competitive prices at higher quantities, and we do not add any markup.

Book Marketing Questions

How does the Amazon Bestseller Campaign work?

Let me be candid: achieving Amazon Bestseller status is not as momentous as it may appear.

Amazon categorizes their lists into numerous categories and utilizes a relatively short time window for rankings. Consequently, with the right strategy, attaining #1 in your category is relatively straightforward.

However, attaining this additional level of credibility can be beneficial as you utilize your book to secure media exposure, book speaking engagements, and share your work with potential clients.

To this end, we formulate marketing efforts that align into an Amazon Bestseller Campaign.

During the first week, we offer the ebook at a discounted price of $0.99 and focus our marketing endeavors—such as emailing your connections, releasing a podcast episode, publishing an excerpt, and conducting email blasts to tens of thousands of people—within that week to maximize short-term sales and overall ranking.

It is essential to note that these activities are not solely aimed at achieving Amazon bestseller status but rather represent the best decisions to ensure your book's success. The attainment of Amazon bestseller status is a natural outcome of our marketing approach.

Can you get me on a bestseller list? How does that work?

We do NOT conduct any bestseller campaigns for major lists.

Securing a spot on a media bestseller list (e.g., Wall Street Journal or New York Times) requires significant effort, and from our experience, it often does not correlate with the true success of your book.

Each of these lists adheres to its own rules (outlined in detail here), but the underlying principle remains the same: they measure total sales over one week, and people often attempt to manipulate their rankings.

Authors striving to hit these lists often optimize their strategies to meet specific criteria—gathering presales to distribute through independent bookstores, for instance, or offering incentives to their audience to encourage book purchases.

In our experience, instead of focusing on gaming the system to meet bestseller list criteria, authors should concentrate on reaching genuine readers interested in their work. This approach requires a long-term commitment rather than trying to compress it into a one-week period.

For more comprehensive insights into how bestseller lists function and why it may be best to avoid them, you can refer to our in-depth article on this topic.

Audiobook FAQs

How can I create an audiobook for my written book?

When considering audiobook creation, the crucial aspect is file quality, as strict standards must be met for Audible's acceptance. There are three options available: You can either record and produce the audiobook yourself, hire a professional producer and record it, or entrust us with the task of recording, producing, and distributing it.

Can I hire a narrator for my audiobook?

Certainly! A professional narrator can significantly enhance the audiobook's overall quality. Audiobook-specialized narrators typically offer a comprehensive solution, taking care of the entire process. You provide them with the manuscript, and they deliver a finished audiobook ready for upload to platforms like Audible/Amazon and iBooks/Apple.

Does Book Writing Space offer audiobook creation and distribution services?

Yes, we have an in-house audiobook department and access to a vast network of thousands of narrators. This ensures that your audiobook receives top-notch quality with the perfect narrator for your book. Distribution is handled through our partners at Author’s Republic, making your audiobook available on major platforms like Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, and more.

Can I hire someone to narrate my audiobook for me?

Absolutely! We have a network of over 1,000 professional narrators. Based on your book and preferences, we will find the ideal voice for your audiobook.

How can I estimate the length of my audiobook? To get an estimate of the audiobook's final running time, divide the word count by 9,000. For instance, a typical 50,000-word manuscript (approximately 200 book pages) will result in an audiobook that is approximately 5.5 hours long.

What is the typical recording time for an audiobook?

A professional narrator usually records at a 2:1 ratio, which means for every 2 hours spent recording, 1 hour of audio is produced. Authors or less experienced narrators may record at a 3:1 ratio, which extends the recording time. We recommend authors work with our professional narrators to ensure high-quality results.

I plan to narrate my audiobook myself. How do I prepare for it?

Long-form narration can be challenging, so preparation is essential. Practice reading your manuscript out loud extensively, and be ready to restart sentences when needed. Annotation software can be used to give subtle reminders to breathe and highlight troublesome words.

However, while many authors like the idea of narrating their own book, we generally advise working with one of our professional narrators to ensure your audiobook meets the required audio standards and provides an enjoyable listening experience.

How long does it take to fully produce an audiobook?

With Book Writing Space, you can expect a retail-ready audiobook within 3-4 months from the time of agreement signing.

Book Writing Space Author Impact

What can I expect for my book launch results?

Discussing the outcomes of a book launch can be subjective, as it varies based on individual goals and expectations.

For instance, let's consider a case from 2018 when we worked on a book about marketing for lawyers, which catered to a niche audience and sold only a few hundred copies during the launch. However, the author, who ran a prominent legal marketing company, saw a direct impact of over $2 million attributed to the Book Launch Process due to increased attention and subsequent business opportunities.

On the other hand, for some authors, the focus may be on broader reach and book sales. Typically, we aim to secure at least one media feature per week during our collaboration. Additionally, we set book sales targets that ensure authors sell around 1,000 copies within their first year, which generally means selling 500+ copies during our engagement.

Is it essential to concentrate on pre-sales?

No, you need not overly emphasize pre-sales. Many authors become fixated on pre-sales because they observe others doing it. However, pre-sales are primarily beneficial for those attempting to hit the New York Times Bestseller list or impress their publishers to gain more credibility.

For long-term success, it's often better to shift the focus after the book launch. Instead of making an "ask" before the launch, potentially losing potential readers, and experiencing poor conversion rates, we prefer building excitement before the launch and saving the "ask" for after the launch. This approach increases the likelihood of potential readers taking action and purchasing the book.

How can I achieve the New York Times bestseller list?

We do not prioritize attaining major bestseller lists as they have become costly and may not necessarily result in a significant impact. Instead, we believe in focusing on marketing strategies that genuinely sell books and enhance an author's influence, rather than merely seeking a bestseller credential without substantial outcomes.

For more information on hitting a major bestseller list, you can read this article by our co-founder, Tucker Max, who has achieved New York Times bestseller status four times.

How do you select book categories?

Selecting appropriate categories is crucial for achieving bestseller status on platforms like Amazon. To ensure success, we wait until the week before the launch when we have a clear understanding of the competition. We meticulously research all relevant categories related to your book's topic. Our aim is to choose prominent categories where you have a good chance of becoming the #1 book during a 1-2 day period without facing overwhelming competition from well-established authors like Malcolm Gladwell.

Once we identify the right categories, we add your book to them in advance of the launch week, maximizing the chances of hitting bestseller status during the launch.

Is the $0.99 price promotion necessary?

While it's not mandatory, the $0.99 price promotion can be a powerful tool for long-term success. Word-of-mouth plays a crucial role in a book's success, and early on, we focus on getting as many people as possible to read the book, so they can generate buzz later.

The $0.99 promotion is effective because it encourages people who may have been hesitant or added the book to their "read later" list to take immediate action. This results in more early readers and increases the likelihood of achieving bestseller status.

We generally recommend this promotion for all authors, except in cases where book sale revenue is a significant factor, and they have a substantial existing audience to generate revenue from. Otherwise, the $0.99 discount is a sensible strategy to support the book's long-term success.

How much time should I allocate to this process?

The time commitment varies for each author, as we provide flexible advice that allows authors to adjust their level of involvement based on their preferences and availability. Much of our requests will revolve around strengthening relationships and motivating individuals to take action in promoting the book. Some authors may choose not to engage in this aspect, while others may dedicate a significant amount of time leading up to the launch.

As a rough estimate, a typical author can expect to spend approximately:

  • 60-90 minutes per week leading up to the launch
  • 60-90 minutes per day during the launch week
  • 30-60 minutes per week after the launch
How much media coverage should I anticipate during the book launch?

While we cannot guarantee specific media coverage, based on our extensive experience working with numerous authors, we are confident in securing at least twelve media placements during the book launch, often even more.

These placements typically encompass a diverse range of outlets, including larger Tier 1 publications like Inc, Entrepreneur, and Forbes, esteemed book reviewers such as Kirkus or Publishers' Weekly, book summary sites like Blinkist and, industry-specific publications, and relevant podcasts that directly target your desired audience.

Book Writing Space Media Strategy

How do you determine the media strategy for my book?

We commence by creating a customized strategic plan called the Footprint Strategy. This involves identifying successful individuals who have effectively reached and influenced the same audience we aim to target with your book. By studying their media appearances, we curate a list of outlets that have proven to be highly impactful in elevating their status.

Additionally, we leverage our extensive network of over 3,000 journalists, which we have built over numerous book launches. We carefully align these outlets with the insights derived from our original research.

Moreover, as a team of seasoned PR professionals, we also rely on our instinct and expertise to further refine and optimize the media strategy for your book.

Can you assist with reaching out to specific individuals or organizations?

Certainly! While we may have certain directions that we believe will be beneficial, our primary focus is on any outreach that effectively advances your goals.

We work collaboratively with you to determine the most effective outreach approach. This could involve targeting podcasts, seeking prominent media features, or exploring unconventional methods such as reaching out directly to professors to feature your book in classrooms.

Our commitment is to dedicate our time and efforts to support the outreach strategies that align with your specific objectives.

Book Writing Space Elite Ghostwriting

If I opt for Book Writing Space Elite Ghostwriting, will the book be in my voice, and will I be considered the author?

Absolutely! When you choose Book Writing Space Elite Ghostwriting, you retain complete authorship of the book, and it will entirely reflect your voice. You are the sole contributor of ideas, knowledge, and content to the book. Through our Guided Author Program, you will actively participate in the writing process as well. Our role is to assist you with elements of book writing in which you may require expertise, such as positioning and structuring.

Since the book is exclusively created through interviews with you, there is no other voice but yours in the final product.

How does Book Writing Space Elite Ghostwriting differ from other ghostwriting services?

Book Writing Space Elite Ghostwriting stands apart from other ghostwriting services in several significant ways:

  1. Personal Voice: In Book Writing Space Elite Ghostwriting, the book is a true reflection of your ideas and words, presented in your unique voice. Unlike other ghostwriters who often create books using their own words and tone based on your book concept, we prioritize preserving your authentic voice throughout the writing process.
  2. Comprehensive Support: Our services extend beyond just providing a manuscript. We handle the entire publishing and distribution process, ensuring a seamless journey from manuscript to a professionally published book.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Traditional ghostwriting services can be notably more expensive than our process, often exceeding $100,000. Our approach offers the same