Need guidance, accountability, and professional expertise for your book writing? Book Writing Space is the answer.

This is your solution.

Book Writing Space Guided Author Program

The Book Writing Space Guided Author Program ensures you have all the necessary resources to write, publish, and promote your book within the current year.

It is led by an identical team of book coaches and editors who have assisted in the creation of 23 bestsellers on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal lists.

With this program, you receive unparalleled book coaching, support, editing, and publishing services. It caters to entrepreneurs, consultants, executives, and professionals aiming to personally write their books while receiving top-tier publishing and marketing assistance, ensuring the utmost quality.

for 12 months, $24,000 total

What's included in the Book Writing Space Guided Author program?

The Book Writing Space Guided Author Program provides you with a comprehensive package to write, publish, and market your book within this year.

Full access to Book Writing Space School

You'll start with the "How To Write Your Book" course, the best book-writing course available. It covers everything from book positioning to structure and outlines. You'll begin working on your book even before attending the workshop.

Three-day coaching workshop

Led by Book Writing Space's Head Book Coach and Author, Emily Gindlesparger, along with senior Book Writing Space editors, this workshop will review your progress so far. They will ensure your book positioning, structure, and outline are on point, and provide feedback on your writing. The workshop goes beyond the instruction in the Book Writing Space School course, guaranteeing you're on the right path. This workshop is valued at $5k.

Full guidance and accountability

After the workshop, you'll join an Author accountability group where fellow writers will support you and keep you on track with your chosen writing schedule.

Weekly coaching calls

You'll have access to group coaching calls with senior editors who will answer your questions and help you stay focused on completing your book.

Author community platform

You'll be part of a private author community group where you can receive support and guidance from the Book Writing Space editors, and other authors in your workshop.

Three 1-on-1 consultations with a senior Book Writing Space editor

As part of the Guided Author service, you’ll receive three 1-on-1 consultation calls (35 minutes each) with an editor. Authors can use these calls for a few different purposes:

  • Get their positioning and outline reviewed
  • Discuss a roadblock they’re facing
  • Review an edited chapter

As part of the Guided Author service, you'll have three 35-minute consultation calls with an editor. These calls can be used for reviewing your positioning and outline, discussing roadblocks, or reviewing edited chapters. If you need additional calls beyond the three included, they can be purchased for $300 each, covering review time and a 35-minute call.

Full edit of your manuscript by professional editors

When you’ve finished writing your manuscript, a Scribe editor will do a full round of content edits.

The Scribe editorial team will dig in and give you high-level developmental notes to help you polish and finish the manuscript. Your editor is an experienced professional who has worked on dozens of bestselling books in their career, and their job is to make sure your book is good enough to publish.

Once you've finished writing, a Book Writing Space editor will provide a thorough round of content edits. They will provide high-level developmental notes to polish and finalize your manuscript. This edit, known as the "Hurt Your Feelings" edit, ensures your book meets professional publishing standards. Sold separately, this edit is valued at $5k.

Full publishing services

Once you’re finished editing, we do everything necessary for a professionally published book.

After editing, Book Writing Space takes care of all aspects necessary for a professionally published book. This includes a beautifully designed cover and interior layout, coordination of publishing details (ISBN, bio, description, etc.), and formats for hardcover, paperback, and eBook. Sold separately, these services are valued at $24k.

Full distribution services

Book Writing Space offers full printing services with the option to order unlimited copies at production cost. Your book will also be distributed through major online retailers like Amazon and You retain 100% of royalties.

Marketing strategy

Your Author Strategist will review the First Week Promotions plan and discuss marketing options with you. Additionally, you'll receive free access to the Book Writing Space Book Launch Blueprint Course and participate in a monthly Marketing Mastermind group to seek guidance.

First Week Promotions

Book Writing Space will assist you in becoming an Amazon Best Seller during the first week of your book launch. You'll receive a comprehensive strategy, templates for securing early Amazon reviews, social media posts and graphics for launch week, access to the Book Writing Space podcast masterclass, a published excerpt from your book during launch week, networking leverage strategy and templates, consultation with the Author Marketing team, and access to the Book Marketing Course. Sold separately, this package is valued at $3k.

Creative control, rights, and royalties

You retain full creative control over your book, as well as all rights and

The Book Writing Space Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Book Writing Space's Guided Author Process ensures a remarkable book while providing support throughout each stage.


Book Strategy Consult

Before you embark on your book-writing journey, it's essential to determine if you have a book within you and if our method is the right fit for you. During this consultation, an Author Strategist will assist you in clarifying three crucial aspects: your book idea, the target audience you aim to reach, and the objectives you hope your book will help you achieve. Please note that this is not a sales call but an opportunity to assess the compatibility between your vision and our services. If we find that we're not the best match, we'll gladly refer you to a suitable alternative.

To do this, you will speak with an Author Strategist who will help you get clear on three things:

  1. Your book idea
  2. The audience you’re trying to reach (and how your book will serve them)
  3. The objectives you hope the book will help you achieve (like making money with a book, or using a book to build your brand)

Note that this is not a sales call. This is about determining whether you have a book in you and whether our company is the right fit to help you write it.

Our process does not work for everyone. If we determine that we’re not a good fit for each other, we’ll happily refer you to a service or company that can meet your needs.


Attend Kickoff Workshop

To commence the process, you'll participate in the three-day kickoff workshop led by Book Writing Space Head Book Coaching & Author. Alongside Book Writing Space's editorial team, We will personally guide you through each step. This workshop covers positioning your book, outlining it, creating a writing plan, and providing comprehensive insights to empower you in writing and editing. The goal is for you to leave the workshop equipped with a clear understanding of your tasks and complete confidence that, with Book Writing Space's support, you can accomplish them.



Armed with all the necessary tools and knowledge obtained from the workshop, you'll embark on the writing phase. Throughout this process, you'll have weekly coaching calls and 24/7 access to the Book Writing Space senior editorial team through a private mastermind group. Book Writing Space’s team will be readily available to assist you with any challenges, obstacles, or concerns you may encounter.


Utilize Three 1-on-1 Consults with Editors

To validate your book idea, refine its structure, or assess your writing, you'll benefit from guidance at key milestones of your choosing. You can share a selection of your work with an editor and engage in personalized discussions to address what's effective, what requires refinement, and how to approach subsequent steps in your book's development. Typically, authors have an early meeting with an editor to ensure they're on the right track, and later calls often focus on chapter reviews. By sharing a single chapter, you can receive detailed feedback to enhance your organization, clarity, and style, and strategize on implementing the lessons learned throughout your manuscript.


Receive the "Hurt Your Feelings" Edit

Once you complete your rough draft, you'll submit the manuscript to us for editing. Our experienced Book Writing Space editorial team will provide you with high-level developmental notes aimed at polishing and finalizing your book. Rest assured, our objective is to deliver constructive criticism and ensure your book reaches a publishable standard. We affectionately refer to this stage as the "hurt your feelings" edit because we prioritize honesty and strive to prevent the publication of subpar books.


Full Book Writing Space Design, Publishing & Distribution Services

After incorporating the suggested revisions from the editing process, you will hand over your manuscript to us, and we will handle all aspects of publishing. Our comprehensive services include creating a captivating cover and interior layout, managing all publishing details (ISBN, bio, description, etc.), and offering formats such as hardcover, paperback, and eBook to cater to different preferences. We take care of everything required for successful book publication.

After our edit and your revisions, when you are finished with your manuscript, you hand it to us and we do all the publishing.

This includes a beautifully designed cover and interior layout, full coordination of all publishing details (ISBN, bio, description, etc.), hardcover, paperback, and eBook formats included, and everything else we do when publishing a book.


Marketing Consult & Course

Our Author Marketing team will arrange a consultation with you to devise an effective strategy for promoting your book to your desired audience. Together, we will create a step-by-step marketing plan that you can implement. Additionally, you will gain complimentary access to the Book Writing Space Marketing Course, which provides detailed instructions and templates to support you throughout your book marketing journey. The course covers essential topics like generating media attention, acquiring leads, and increasing your visibility among potential clients.

Who Should Use Guided Author?

Is recommended for
  • Non-fiction book writers
  • Memoir writers
  • Writers of books in the genres of business, finance, medicine, education, self-help, personal development, or memoir
  • Authors whose books aim to share knowledge and help readers
  • Authors whose books aim to share their stories and help others
  • Writers seeking guidance and assistance in book writing
  • Writers in need of accountability from professionals
Is not suitable for
  • Novel writers
  • Writers of fictional books
  • Authors of children's books
  • Cookbook writers
  • Individuals without a clear purpose for writing a book
  • Those expecting ghostwriting services
  • Those expecting someone else to do the book writing for them

Frequently Asked Questions

What's included in the Book Writing Space program?

You receive a comprehensive package for confidently writing, publishing, and marketing your book. Everything you need is provided, and you can find a detailed description of the entire program here.

Who leads the workshop?

The workshop is co-led by our Head Book Coach and our top editors. They will guide you throughout your author journey and provide individual feedback on your work.

Are the workshops held virtually or in person?

The pivotal three-day experience with us as Authors takes place in a virtual setting, offering a level of clarity and momentum that is unparalleled.

After three days, you will have accomplished the following:

  1. Book Positioning
  2. Outline
  3. Writing Plan
  4. Editing Plan
  5. Chapter deadlines
  6. Editing deadlines
  7. Addressing and overcoming fears
What support do I receive after the workshop?

Following the workshop, there are three primary avenues of support:

  1. Guided Author Community Platform: Our active author community group comprises former Guided Author participants and the entire senior editorial team from Book Writing Space. Questions are promptly answered, usually within an hour, and there is abundant encouragement and support.
  2. Weekly Group Coaching Calls: These calls occur every Tuesday at 12:30 pm Eastern Time. The Book Writing Space Senior Editorial team is present to address any questions authors may have. These calls serve as accountability and commiseration sessions for most authors. They provide an opportunity to connect with fellow authors, learn from one another, and ensure progress.
  3. Three One-on-One Editor Consults: Throughout your book journey, you can schedule up to three half-hour individual consults with an editor. These calls help troubleshoot any roadblocks encountered during the writing process, provide feedback to enhance your outline or review a chapter of your work.

The most important thing to know is that we are committed to doing whatever it takes to assist you in writing a remarkable book and getting it published.

Is publishing included? How does publishing work?

Yes, everything necessary for publishing your book is included: interior layout, cover design, distribution, and more. In fact, the publishing process mirrors what we use with our Book Writing Space Professional authors.

As to how we edit, we tell our authors this:

“We will hurt your feelings before we let you publish a bad book.”

Our first goal in this edit is to ensure your book is not bad. If it is, we will tell you where it’s bad and how to fix it.

Once we know it’s not bad (and they are rarely bad), then the goal is to help you take it from good to great.

We will push you to write the best book possible, because our name is on the book as well as yours.

Is publishing included? How does publishing work?

Yes, everything necessary to publish your book is included; interior layout, cover design, distribution, everything. In fact, the publishing process is the same as what we use with our Scribe Professional authors.

Do I have to take a year, or can I go faster?

While the program can be paid for over a year, you have the flexibility to progress at your preferred pace. We have had authors submit their manuscripts just two months after the workshop, resulting in book publication within five months (completing the entire process in 7 months).

The only requirement for us to fully publish your book is that you must have paid in full.

It’s time to write your book.
We can help.

If you’re serious about writing and publishing your book this year, let’s talk.

We’ll discuss your book idea, see if it makes sense, and help you understand the best next steps.

for 12 months, $24,000 total

Book Writing Space Services


Book Writing Space Publishing You write, we proof and publish.

$4,000/m For 6 Months

$24,000 Total

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Guided Author

We guide your writing and handle the publishing.

$2,000/m For 12 Months

$24,000 Total

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Elite Ghostwriting

Get a bestselling Book Writing Space and tailored process.

Custom Custom Payment Plan

Plan Minimum Investment: $135k

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