Book Writing Space

Media Coverage

Master the Art of Launching Your Book.

Book Writing Space’s Media Coverage

Your essential message may remain unheard without proper exposure.

Our Media Coverage package curates a strategic media outreach plan to present your message before your intended audiences, fostering growth and brand establishment.

Min. $3,000/m for 3 months

What's Included in the Book Writing Space Media Coverage Package?

The objective of the Book Writing Space media coverage campaign is to secure opportunities to showcase you and your book before your target audience.

Media Asset Creation
  • Compose a detailed review of your book to develop your customized Key Ideas Doc.
  • Construct a media kit for you and your book to share with journalists.
  • Conduct research on your audience and their primary media sources.
  • Utilize The Footprint Technique to conduct additional research and identify outlets that have been effective in supporting your competitors.
Podcast Tour
  • Reach out to numerous podcasts to facilitate interview opportunities.
  • Coordinate, arrange, and schedule podcast interviews.
  • Provide briefing sessions prior to each interview to ensure you are well-prepared.
Traditional PR Push
  • Formulate a strategy to explore opportunities for radio, TV, or journalist features of your book.
  • Contact relevant individuals from our extensive network of over 3000 media relationships.
  • Pitch to local media outlets to secure opportunities in your hometown.
Book Review Submissions
  • Submit your book to prominent reviewers.
  • Send physical copies of the book as necessary to maximize the chances of receiving reviews.
Op-Ed Contributions
  • Develop ideas and strategies for articles suitable for major publications.
  • Propose article concepts and engage in discussions with managing editors.
  • Provide support in outlining and writing articles to secure placements.
  • Track monthly conversations to evaluate our strategy and identify additional angles.
  • Establish a personalized CRM using Airtable to monitor the status of all our media conversations.

Book Writing Space Audience

  • Authors who are at ease with being interviewed and showcased in the media
  • Authors who can gain advantages from media exposure and enhanced credibility
  • Authors whose books feature novel or captivating concepts that would attract media attention
  • Authors who feel uneasy with the media and prefer to avoid the limelight
  • Authors who lack any motive to benefit from increased exposure or credibility
  • Authors whose books lack ideas that would pique media interest


Book Writing Space FAQs

How do you approach developing a media strategy?

At Book Writing Space, we begin by crafting a personalized strategic plan called the Footprint Strategy. Our first step is to identify influential individuals who have effectively reached and impacted the desired audience. We use their experiences as a guiding force. Next, we systematically research the media platforms that have had the most significant impact in propelling the top 5-10 figures in your field to their current level. This process yields a valuable list of outlets that have the potential to greatly benefit you and your book.

We also capitalize on our established connections. With a network of over 3,000 journalists cultivated through numerous launches, we thoroughly explore those outlets that align with the findings of our initial research.

Lastly, as a team of seasoned PR professionals, sometimes our approach is driven by instinct rather than a strictly methodical process.

Can you assist me in reaching out to ____?

Absolutely. While we have suggested directions that we believe would be most advantageous, our primary focus is on any outreach effort that can help you make significant progress toward your goals.

We collaborate closely to determine the most effective outreach strategies. For some authors, this may involve securing podcast opportunities. For others, it may mean pursuing prominent Tier 1 media coverage. Alternatively, it could involve thinking outside the box, such as directly approaching professors to feature your book in classrooms.

We are eager to dedicate our time and energy to whatever endeavors will best support your goals.

Book Writing Space can offer you the opportunity to have millions of people recognize your name.

The distinction between you and those who have achieved greater fame lies in their ability to share their ideas with a larger audience.

If you are committed to reaching a wider audience with your message, book a complimentary consultation call with Book Writing Space. Let's explore an ideal media strategy for you and determine how we can effectively support your vision

Min. $3,000/m for 3 months